C. Milton Wright Class of 1997
Class of 97 Classmates
Heather Ruleau
HELLO EVERYONE!! Wow has it already been 10 years??? It only seems like yesturday that i was fighting with Zach at every single high school event that took place-hahaha!!!! Anyways, about me????? I am a MOM (who would of thought that) I have a beautiful 17month old and he is the love of my life his name is Cayden and he is a red head spit fire! If i was more computer friendly i would post a picture. I basically surround my life with mom things. I work for a Liquor/wine/beer wholesaler as a sales rep in the Baltimore city area. I moved back to Forest Hill when i got pregnant and still live up here today. Ill save the rest for the reunion. Cant wait to see everyone.